Aberblacks – Flock History
After working with Innovis for many years, the Bentley Hybrid has evolved into the Aberblack. The Bentley Hybrid provided the base genetics for the Aberblack and we continue to be responsible for the selection, genetic improvement and production for the rams. With the help of Innovis, we are now dual recording the flock and utilise their genetic program as well.
To add extra vigour and extra muscling to the Suffolk flock, we have used Top 1% Charollais rams (carrying the Myomax gene) over our Suffolk ewe lambs to produce the original Aberblacks. In 2011 we also started to build a flock of the Aberblack ewes. These have been served to an Aberblack ram, to develop a stable composite. This has enabled us to increase the rate of genetic improvement and improve the consistency of the progeny. Due to the extra hybrid vigour within the ram, customers have found that Aberblacks have the capacity to serve more ewes and hold their condition easily throughout the year.
Aberblack Rams are bred solely for the commercial farmer. This flock is lambed in March/April and immediately turned out to grass. All lambs are reared, recorded and sold on grass alone. Our aim is to breed stock that can grow and finish as quickly as possible from forage. All rams are performance recorded and sold with individual EBV’s.