With the success of selling direct from the farm in 2020, we will continue to offer all Bentley stock for sale, in the same way, going forward.
Category: Uncategorised
Bentley Suffolks take top spot
Bentley Suffolks take top spot in the latest Ram Compare results.
Bentley Retallick selected for Ram Compare project 2019/2020
Bentley Retallick has been selected for the Ram Compare project 2019/2020.
Bentley shearling Rams for sale in 2018

We will have more details soon.
Bentley Suffolk Inlamb ewes for sale now

Many thanks and Best Wishes to those who purchased Bentley ewes at the recent female sales.
30 Bentley Suffolk Inlamb ewes for sale now

Mixed aged ewes entered for:
Recipient ewes for sale

MV accredited and bred specifically for the job! Please contact us for more information.
Top price

Bentley Suffolks Top price at NSA Wales & Borders Ram Sale.

A few pictures from the Bentley Suffolk flock lambing in January:
NSA Wales & Borders Ram Sale

Having just returned from the NSA Wales & Borders Ram Sale at Builth Wells, I thought it would be a good reason to start this blog. Considering the state of the lamb market in 2015, the average for the whole sale was only down by £20/ram.